1. A person who is unable to stop taking harmful drugs- Addiet ( व्यसनी , लतिया )

2. The person who is between thirteen to eighteen years- Adolescent तेरह से 18 वर्ष के बिच का व्यक्ति )

3. A person skilful and clever,especially in dealing with people- Adroit दक्ष, चतुर )

4. A person angry ,and behaving in a threatening way :ready to attack- Aggressive ( आक्रामक )

5. One who believes that nothing can be known about god or of anything except 11material thing- Agnostic ( वह व्यक्ति जिसकी यह धारणा हो कि इश्वर मानव बुद्दि के लिए अगम्य हैं )

6. One who devotes his life to the welfare and interests of other people- Altruist ( परोपकारी )

7. One who writes down one’dictation-  Amanuensis इमला लिखने वाला )

8. One who engages in any pursuit for the love of it, and not for gain- Amateur शौकिया कलाकार या खिलाड़ी )

9. One who can use both hands with equal ease- Ambidextrous ( दोनों हाथो से सामान रूप से कम करने वाला )

10. One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a state- Anarchist ( अराजकतावादी )

11. One who fishes with a rod ( As a hobby)- Angler ( सलाख की सहायता से मछली पकड़ने वाला )

12. One who studies, collects or sells things of the past-  Antiquarian ( प्राचीन वस्तुओं का संग्रह एवं अध्यन करने वाला )

13. One who is appointed by parties to settle disputes- Arbitrator ( मध्यस्था करने वाला )

14. A person who studies cultures of the past and examines the remains found in the ground- Archaeologist ( पुरातत्व विज्ञानं का दाता )

15. A person whose job is designing buildings . etc – Architect ( वास्तुकार, निर्माता )

16. A person who creates works of art. Especially paintings or drawings – Artist कलाकार )

17. A person whose job involves travelling and working in a spacecraft- Astronaut ( अन्तरिक्ष यात्री)

18. One who does not believe in existence  of god.- Atheist नास्तिक )

19. A person who competes in sports- Athlete ( व्यायामी )

20. One who flies an aeroplane- Aviator, Pilot (हवाई जहाज चलाने वाला )      

21. A person who is in charge of the money in particular games or bank- Banker बैंक का सांचालक)

22. A child born of unmarried parents- Bastard नाजायज संतान)

23. A person who is fond of fightings- Bellicose ( युद्ध प्रिय)

24. A  person who gains as a result of somethings- Beneficiary ( लाभ प्राप्त करने वाला )

25. A lover of books- Bibliophile ( पुस्तक प्रेमी)

26. A person who hates , fears. Or distrusts books- Bibliophobe ( पुस्तको से नफरत करने वाला )

27. One who has narrow religious vews- Bigot  ( धार्मिक मामलो मे संक्रिन विचार वाला )

28. A person who writes the story of another person’s life- Biographer (जीवनी लेखक )

29. One who does not follow the usual rules of social life- Bohemian (  व्यक्ति जो अपनी कविता को नवीन ढंग से प्रस्तुत कर्ता हैं )

30. A person or an organization that borrows money,especially from a bank.-Borrower ( ऋण करता )

31. One who brakes in a ho use to steal- Burglar ( सेंध लगाने वाला चोर )

32. A person whose handwrightig is very beautiful.-  Calligrapher ( सुंदर लिखने वाला )

33. One  who eats human flesh – Cannibal ( नरभक्षी )

34. A  person who owns  or controls  a lot of wealth and uses it to produce more wealth- Capitalist ( पूँजीपति)

35. A person who captures a person or an animal and keeps them as a prisoner- Captor ( कैद करने वाला )

36. A person whose  job is to take care of a building such as a school or a block of flats or an apartment building-Caretaker ( रखवाला )

37. One who lives on flesh – Carnivorous ( मांसाहारी )

38. One who is always finding faults- Censorious ( दोश निकालने वाला )

39. One who is hundred years old- Centenarian ( सौ वर्ष बुढा व्यक्ति )

40. A person or shop that sells equipment for ships-  Chandler ( पानी की जहाजों के लिये समान बेचने वाला )

41. One who pretends to know a great deal abouts everything- Charlatan ( अनाडी )

42. One who drives a motor car – Chauffeur ( कार चालक)

43. One who mends shoes- Cobbler ( मोची )

44. Persons who work in the same department of an office – Colleagues ( सहक्रमि )

45. An entertainer who makes people laugh by telling jokes or funny  stories – Comedian ( मसखरा )

46. A person or an animal that travels with you or spends a lot of time with you- Companions ( साथी )

47. One who is completely self- satisfied- Complacent ( आत्मसतुस्त व्यक्ति  )

48. A person who does clever tricks which appear magical- Conjuror ( जादुगर )

49. One who has special skill in judging art, music etc.- Connoisseur ( कला का निर्णायक जो किसी कला मे पारंगत हो )

50. A person who is forced by law to become a soldier- Conscript ( सेना मे जबरद्स्ती भर्ती किया गया व्यक्ति)

51. One who believes in keeping things as they are- Conservative रुढिंवादी )

52. One living at the same time as another-Contemporary ( समकालीन )

53. One who is recovering from illness- Convalescent ( बीमारी के बाद स्वस्थ रहने वाला )

54. A girl or woman who flirts ,that is tries to attract people and make advances in love simply to satisfy her vanity

Coquette चुलबुली औरत )

55. A person who regards the whole world as his country- Comopolitan ( विश्व नागरिक )

56.  A person who expresses opinions about the good and bad qualities of books, music etc. – Critic ( आलोचक )

57. A person who has done something wrong or against the low.-Culprits ( अपाराधी )

58. One who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellowmen.- Cynic ( मानव द्वेशि )

59. A leader of the people who can sway his followers by his oratory.- Demagogue ( भडकाने वाला नेता या वक्ता )

60. A person, especially, who depends on another person for a home,food, money, etc- Dependant  ( दूसरे पर निर्भर )

61. A person whose job is to decide how things such as clothes, furniture,tools etc.will look or work by making drawing, plans or patterns.- Designer ( नमूना तैयार करने वाला )

62. Shy, timid,unwilling to face a situation- Diffident ( आत्म विश्वास से रहित व्यक्ति )

63. A person who strongly disagrees with and criticizes theirs government, especially in a country where this kind of action is dangerous- Dissident ( असहमत )

64. A person who has ideas or plans that are not practical or realistic- Dreamer ( स्वपन देखने वाला )

65. One who secretly listens to the talk of others- Eavesdropper ( छिपकर बाते सुनने वाला )

66.  A man who is womanish in his habits- Effeminate ( स्त्री जैसा )

67. One who looks at everything from a personal point of view- Egocentric ( स्वार्थी व्यक्ति )

68. A person who is wroth for sonethings or to do something- Eligible ( निर्वाच्य )

69. Aperson sent to mission- Emissary ( दूत )

70. Devoted to pleasure and enjoying oneself- Epicurean ( खाने पीने का शैकिन )

71. A person who writies a long, series letter on an important subject – Epistoler ( पत्र लिखने वाला )

72. A person or group of people or vehicles that travels with somebody/ something in order to protect or guard them – Escort  ( मार्ग रक्षक)

73. One who is banished from his home or his country- Exile ( देश से निकाला गया  )

74. A person with special knowledge , skill or training in something- Expert विशेश्ग्य  )

75. A person who is extremely enthusiastic about something- Fanatic ( कट्टर )